Sizes & Values
Template Options
Index Styles
Index Thumb Title Color - sets the color of the thumbnail title for each index item.
Index Thumb Background Color - sets the color behind the thumbnail image for each index item.
Index Thumb Titles - choose the font and size used for the thumbnail title text.
Index Sidebar Width - sets the width of the sidebar displaying the title and description of the item.
Thumbnails Per Row - controls the number of columns used on your Index page.
Thumbnail Ratio - sets the size and shape of the thumbnail images based on a ratio.
Blog Styles
Blog Post Title - sets the font of the article title.
Blog Page Width - determine the width for the blog content area different from that of the page content width.
Blog Post Spacing - controls the amount of space between each blog post on the list view.
Hide Article Author - toggles the display of the article author with the date under the article title.